Tuesday 9 December 2014

Is having Relaxed Hair a good thing? Well for me it is..

Relaxed Hair 
Afro Hair 
As many of you know in the past couple of years there has been a Natural Hair revolution many ladies have chopped their relaxed or permed hair  or ditched the wigs and weaves in order to stay true to their roots and not conform to society standards of beauty. "Big hair don't care, ". Many African American women and Black Women have decided to opt for their Natural curly Afros.

I'm happy that those women have decided to make that change and have found it in some way liberating for themselves. But what about those of us that what to keep our hair permed, relaxed or straightened? Are we not proud of our roots and backgrounds? Are we trying to fit in with society because we decide to perm it?

Well everyone has their own personal reasons of why they decided to relax their hair. I made the decision to perm my hair at 11 because I had very thick coarse Afro hair which was difficult to manage.  My mother used to relax my hair for  me. Relaxing it made it easier for me to mange and to be honest I liked the relaxed look better.
However me relaxing my hair so young I didn't know how to look after it properly to it eventually got damaged over time and began to break.
When I turned 21 I  made the decision to go and get my hair professionally done at a hairdressers so I have been getting my hair relaxed and gone for hair treatments ever since.
I used to be afraid to let anyone else but my mother do my hair, but now I have been more open to try a couple of hairdressers.

I also don't just leave my hair to the hairdressers to take care of, I have developed a routine of taking care of my hair myself in between hair appointments in order to make sure that my hair stays in good condition.

I am no hair expert trust me but I have learnt the following hair tips that keep my hair healthy:

1. Use a relaxer that is not too harsh on your hair to avoid hair loss and breakage
2. Wrap your hair in a satin scarf or a hair net to avoid breakage
3. Trim your hair the how often you do it will depend on how healthy the ends of your hair are. It could be anything from  every 6-8 weeks or every 3 months.
4. Use a hair serum or heat protectant to protect your hair from styling damage before using a hair dryer or flat iron.
5. at least once a month using a conditioning treatment to keep your hair nourished.
6. Moisturise the ends of your hair from roots to ends to avoid it getting dry and brittle and then breaking off.